For us, making masks is a way to keep our small business afloat and create something useful for the community during this difficult time. Andrew, the creator and founder of Olander Earthworks, worked with soft sculpture in previous years and this was an opportunity for him to draw upon that skill set.
Andrew designed a mask that has adjustable velcro straps, which can be adjusted to snugly fit around your ears. No ties to deal with, but it provides more ability to adjust the fit than a simple elastic band. Each mask is double layer, with a pocket, so you can insert your filter of choice.
See our collection of masks here.
Don't worry! We still plan to make our figurative concrete sculptures, sand spheres and desktop zen gardens, but since many of our sales happen in person or through our wholesale partners, we needed to diversify our revenue stream, plus this is a way we can contribute in a meaningful way during this time.
It didn't feel right for us to make masks without donating towards a good cause, so for every mask sold, we will donate $1. At this time, that money will go to Portland Garment Factory and their efforts towards creating PPE for healthcare workers. Every dollar donated to PGF goes towards offsetting the cost of making PPE for healthcare workers.
We're impressed by Brit Howard and PGF's quick thinking and ability to pivot her business overnight. Visit her site here if you want to donate directly, or if you want to read more about her efforts.